Owhh my BF its been 10 years we've been together...
minus 6 months ( black period..for me)....truely calculated..9 years and 6 months..
Still remember on 9th June 2000 when u asked me...
' boleh aku jadi bf kau'
hahah..ingat lagi x that sentences...
start from age 18 to 28..
dari remaja to dewasa..
alhamdulillah..we are still together...
so many things we faced together..
At Year 9 we were together...
Allah gifted us the beautiful princess....
Its a present from me to you..
The 'amanah' that we should take care together
Pray to Allah may this relation end until last ' dunia & akhirat'
I will always luv u My hb..my boo..my bf..my everything..
TQ for everything...

laki mu hensem...
ReplyDeletekerananye bininye cun agaknye..muahaha
ReplyDeleteMerpati Dua Sejoli! Sama cantik sama padan... tue yang dapat baby... nama bunga....
ReplyDeleteAHH eddy tq for the compliment..ameen alhmdulillah..