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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tribute to My Bf....

Owhh my BF its been 10 years we've been together...
minus 6 months ( black period..for me)....truely calculated..9 years and 6 months..

Still remember on 9th June 2000 when u asked me...
' boleh aku jadi bf kau'
hahah..ingat lagi x that sentences...
start from age 18 to 28..
dari remaja to dewasa..
alhamdulillah..we are still together...
so many things we faced together..

At Year 9 we were together...
Allah gifted us the beautiful princess....
Its a present from me to you..
The 'amanah' that we should take care together

Pray to Allah may this relation end until last ' dunia & akhirat'
I will always luv u My hb..my boo..my bf..my everything..

TQ for everything...


  1. kerananye bininye cun agaknye..muahaha

  2. Merpati Dua Sejoli! Sama cantik sama padan... tue yang dapat baby... nama bunga....

  3. AHH eddy tq for the compliment..ameen alhmdulillah..


Apa kata anda..What say u ??