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Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Yesterday we went to Ampang park..ala2 gathering..pity my hb tinggal umah ..
(nway TQ very much kasi jumpe my friend hehe)

Setelah lame xjumpe..so banyak cerita yang dikongsi...obviously kami semua really miss our good time with AM...

So many things happened when we were there..a lot of memories we shared together...not to forget..Priya..Soo Ling..Kee Meng..Oscar..Mee Lian..Christy..Mas..ramai lagi..

After seperated from AM..masing2 bawak haluan sendiri..Eddy being a teacher....Sue with Takaful Ikhlas continuing her career in insurance industry...Roger with YTL....and me in investment company...

We got new different stories to share..but the most intresting was eddy's story...his experience teaching in rural area at sabah...sangat adventure...gud for u eddy...

Deep in my heart..teringin jugak nak jadi teacher..tapi bole ke..hehe memandangkan tahap kesabaran sangat rendah dan cepat bosan ini..sangat xsesuwei kot...heheh

Mari layan gambar 2-3 keping nih...

Me & Sue

sue with rog

eddy with rog


  1. seronoknye korang berjumpe..aku pun dah lame tak jumpe korang :(

    sue ngan ko yg dekat tu pun tak jumpe lame dah :(

  2. aah kan liza..weh ko dh pindah ke blom..aku malas nk kaco ko..alya demam lg kn

  3. Insyaallah nanti kita buat reunion besar-besaran. Tunggu baby Christy besar sket.

    I miss all of you.
    I miss AmAssurance.
    I really love this friendship....

  4. me too eddy..don cry eddy..we all mish u too


Apa kata anda..What say u ??