Frust..hmm it can be in differents ways..
Frust dalam bercinta..
Frust in study..
Frust in career..and banyak lagi.
5 words actually dah memang sinonim in human life..if there's no words
frust in ur diary..that must be somthing wrong in ur life hehe..Even Junjungan
Nabi Muhammad s.a.w juga banyak kali having this kind of emotions..
Ya it's related with ur
Talking about
Today is like emotional day for so frustrating with my
bonus( bab uwang musti masalah) hehe..secara tak langsung berkait rapat with my
career. Im thinking of..sampai bila aku akan jadi macam ini..
eksekutif cabok dalam sebuah organisasi..
Ive been working for almost 4-5 years after graduate,,and my level is just like that after this few years..
I have my own target..I have my own mission..tapi how to achive it? and time also flies so fast...dah 5years..tapi tetap ditakuk lama lagi. Im so
dissappointed with my career..Sometimes aku fikir aku salah pilih course ke? or i started my career at the wrong place ke? or bidang yang aku pilih ni xbetul ke? ape sebenarnye cita-cita aku?..sometmes nak jadi cikgu la..nak jadi lecturer la..nak keje dekat Bank rakyat la..arghhh u should decide what u really wanna be..then only u can really work to achieve it..yes its true,,,!!
I really love my current department..yeah i luv my job..staying in Agency Unit..every job yang diorang bagi pasti aku buat betul2..tapi yang xbestnye at the end of the
KPI is very boss kenapa ko pedajal aku sebegini rupa..arghhhhhhh
Cakap banyak-banyak pun xguna...
should move on..tapi takutnye kalau xmenjadi plak my next step...i pray to
Allah moga everything is going smooth and Moga Dia permudahkan segala urusan au di dunia dan akhirat...Ameeen